In The News: Arizona Golf Course Superintendents 

How do Scottsdale golf courses stay green? It’s complex but also really clever - Josh Senz,

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Arizona Alliance for Golf

Made up of a coalition of like-minded individuals and organizations, the Arizona Alliance for Golf is dedicated to the game of golf, the diverse industries it supports and the people who love and depend on it. Through leadership, stewardship and commitment, the AAG aims to unify, protect and educate everyday Arizonans about the game and the bright, fruitful future it holds for generations to come.

More About the AAG

AZ Golf Best Management Practices (BMPs)

May 2019 - Members of the Cactus & Pine GCSA have collaborated with related organizations in Arizona to publish the “Arizona Golf Industry Best Management Practices Guide.”

The Arizona Golf Industry Best Management Practices Guide includes information on golf course planning, design and construction; irrigation; surface water management; water quality monitoring and management; nutrient management; cultural practices; integrated pest management; pesticide management; pollinator protection; and energy use. 


View the AZ Golf BMP Guide


The Cactus and Pine awards 2 scholarships to college students that are family of association members or are members themselves. 

- The Jay Woodward Scholarship (for students interested in becoming GC Superintendents)
- The Mike and Sandy Pock Legacy Scholarship (for all students)

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Water Conservation Task Force

The Cactus & Pine Water Conservation Task Force exists to promote the water conservation and management goals of the Arizona golf industry and Arizona Department of Water Resources while educating our stakeholders on the importance of golf’s beneficial use of natural resources.



4700 E. Thomas Rd, Suite 108
Phoenix, AZ 85018, US

About us

The Arizona affiliated chapter of the
Golf Course Superintendents Association of America

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