Doug Dykstra, CGCS

White Mountain CC, Pinetop AZ

Statement for GCSAA Candidate for Secretary/Treasurer

It is with great pleasure and gratification to be nominated by Cactus & Pine, for the candidacy of the 2024 GCSAA Secretary/Treasurer. I’m enthused at the prospect of representing our Association in this capacity. The experiences of being a Member of GCSAA for over 30 years, being involved in the Local Chapters, serving on GCSAA Committee’s and Task Force Team’s has fueled my passion and assisted in preparing me to offer my contribution of growing our Profession and Industry.

I would be thrilled with the opportunity to bestow the knowledge and experiences that I have gained through my involvements, to serve on the GCSAA Board of Directors.

Over the years GCSAA has made great strides to be and stay in the forefront of the Golf Industry. The pledge and verbiage of our Mission to serve our Members, advancing their profession, and improving communities through the enjoyment, growth and vitality of the game of golf. I will work diligently towards maintaining and growing our Mission and Vision to keep GCSAA focused and in the front-runner of our Industry.

I believe that it’s the strength of the Local Chapters, and its Members within those Chapters, that are the life force of GCSAA. The Association must stay committed to supporting the Local Chapters, ensuring the ongoing and effective communication throughout all of its Chapters. As an Association, we optimistically gain and develop great strength and energy from the Local Chapters. I believe that GCSAA can provide the cohesiveness that brings us all together and continues to make us a stronger Association.

GCSAA’s pledge to being a strong instrument in providing Technology, Education and Professionalism are initiatives that I fully support and will endeavor to preserve. As an Association, I have confidence that we should remain proactive in the education of Legislators and the Public about the Environment, Economic and Recreational benefits that the Golf Industry provides. With the many issues before us, we must remain hands-on and active in a manner that continues to encourage and promote our image as leaders in our Industry.

Having participated on GCSAA Task Force and Committee’s, serving as a Chapter Delegate and being active in our Industry I feel that I have broadened my perspective and added knowledge to lead our Association into the future. I have always been dedicated to serve on Organizations of which I am affiliated with by giving 100% back and have found that the benefits far exceed my efforts.

I am grateful to have the support of White Mountain Country Clubs’ Board of Directors, Membership and Staff. I am also thankful for the reinforcement and encouragement from my family in inspiring me to run for a position as a GCSAA’s Secretary/Treasurer.

With Best Regards,
Doug Dykstra, CGCS


Mid-Atlantic Chapter


Local Outreach


2023 Certification Committee

3/1/2023 - 2/29/2024


2023 Equipment Manager
Task Group

3/1/2023 - 2/29/2024


2023 Government Affairs Committee

3/1/2023 - 2/29/2024

Vice Chair

Alan MacCurrach Jr Award
Task Group

3/1/2023 - 2/29/2024

Vice Chair

2023 Political Action Committee

3/1/2023 - 2/29/2024

Vice Chair

2023 Research Proposal
Review Committee

3/1/2023 - 2/29/2024

Vice Chair

GCSAA Board Of Directors

2/10/2023 - 2/1/2024


2022 Chapter Delegates Meeting

9/26/2022 - 10/27-2022


2022 Certification Committee

3/1/2023 - 2/28/2023

Vice Chair

2022 Equipment Manager
Task Group

3/1/2022 - 2/28/2023

Vice Chair

2022 First Green Task Group

3/1/2022 - 2/28/2023


2022 Research Proposal
Review Committee

3/1/2022 - 2/28/2023

Vice Chair

GCSAA Board Of Directors

2/1/2022 - 2/9/2023


2021 Chapter Delegates Meeting

9/22/2021 - 10/22/2021


Conference Education Task Group

3/1/2021 - 2/8/2022


Environmental Awards and Education
Task Group

3/1/2021 - 2/28/2022


First Green Task Group

3/1/2021 - 2/28/2022

Vice Chair

GCM Editorial Board Task Group

3/1/2021 - 2/28/2022

Vice Chair

Alan MacCurrach Jr Award Task Group

3/1/2021 - 2/28/2022


GCSAA Scholars Competition
Task Group

3/1/2021 - 2/28/2022


GCSAA Board Of Directors

2/4/2021 - 2/10/2022


2020 Chapter Delegates Meeting

9/24/2020 - 11/1/2020


BMP Facility Task Group

3/1/2020 - 2/28/2021

Vice Chair

Conference Education Task Group

3/1/2020 - 2/28/2021

Vice Chair

Environmental Awards and Education Task Group

3/1/2020 - 2/28/2021

Vice Chair

GCM Editorial Board Task Group

3/1/2020 - 2/28/2021


GCSAA Board Of Directors

1/30/2020 - 2/4/2021


2019 Chapter Delegates Meeting

10/10/2019 - 11/1/2019

Board Candidate

Certification Committee

3/1/2019 - 2/28/2020


2018 Chapter Delegates Meeting

9/19/2018 - 11/30/2018

Board Candidate

Certification Committee

3/1/2018 - 2/28/2019


Grassroots Ambassadors


Certification Committee

3/1/2017 - 2/28/2018


2016 Chapter Delegates Meeting

9/8/2016 - 9/8/2017 

Chapter Delegate

2015 Chapter Delegates Meeting

10/21/2015 - 10/28/2015

Chapter Delegate

Environmental Profile Task Group

3/2/2014 - 3/1/2015


2011 Chapter Delegates Meeting

10/28/2011 - 10/30/2011

Chapter Delegate

2010 Chapter Delegates Meeting

10/6/2009 - 3/7/2011

Chapter Delegate

2009 Leadership Academy

8/27/2009 - 7/1/2010

Election Committee

3/1/2000 - 2/28/2001



4700 E. Thomas Rd, Suite 108
Phoenix, AZ 85018, US

About us

The Arizona affiliated chapter of the
Golf Course Superintendents Association of America

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